The major population away from developed cities still uses cesspool type septic systems for drainage of waste. This is conventional, cost effective and the best part about this system is the amount of effort to construct and maintain one is relatively simple. Due to the various technological advancements that we have today, building a cesspool is not a difficult task anymore. Maintaining a cesspool and keeping it clean, on the other hand, will require the use of additives.
In the past, cesspools were traditionally located away from the home or building and were of an open type system. Nowadays, most system are enclosed and buried below surface for aesthetic and health reasons. As with its common counter system, septic tanks, the cesspool must be maintained and treated with bacteria in order to take advantage of nature’s perfect cleaning machine – bacteria.
Using septic additives to clean cesspool is a good thing to do because the waste can be broken down much more easily as it is important to keep the decomposition process moving along uninterrupted. There are many additives available on the market today, which of course contain different ingredients with different levels of strength.
Many researchers are in constant debate over the use of additives in cesspools and what benefit, if any, they afford. Research has shown that the use of microbes, or naturally occurring strains of bacteria, in sufficient quantity, can greatly reduce sludge content within certain zones of the cesspit structure. The main problem area for cesspits lies in the gravel and soils just outside the pit itself. Over time, these areas retain microscopic particles that have exited the tank and latched into the surrounding drainage area. In very healthy systems, these particles are few and pass easily while in trouble systems, these organic compounds are quite large and cause clogging that restricts flow.
While most chemical based cleaners containing scary sounding ingredients can be extremely detrimental to the system, bacteria and enzyme are “natural” and will not corrode or destroy critical bacteria – as chemicals may. While chemical and biological cleaners are still used, only biological additives can tear through solid compaction without destroying healthy bacteria or the system itself!
Think of it this way, if a farmer wants to help his compost break down and shrink in size, he does not need to do a lot since nature will produce bacteria to work away at the organics within the compost. If he wants to force the compost to decay more rapidly, he would apply bacteria to accelerate the decomposition process. Now, the farmer also has the option of adding a chemical based formula to help with the breakdown in sorts. He could add, lets say, caustic soda, a dangerous chemical which can melt your skin off in seconds. The caustic soda will quickly burn through some of the compost matter and will in essence, shrink the pile. However, the chemical will destroy virtually all of the bacteria life within the compost, poison the surrounding soils and effectively “shut down” the compost. As the farmer adds waste to the compost it will grow, and grow and grow. The microbes would have been destroyed and the problem would then have started to become much worse as time goes on.
Even with clear science proving the harmful effects of some chemical additives, the debate still rages on. While chemical manufacturers may consider chemical treatments as a formidable defense against sludge and waste, only bacteria can evaporate the waste into water and carbon dioxide, painlessly and in an earth friendly manner.
Whether or not you treat your system is a personal choice. If you do not currently use and additive and are considering ones use to help keep the system clean, remember the farmer and avoid hard chemicals. Bacteria is a proven performer without the harmful side effects some caustic ingredients bring with them.