The established world of the septic system depends on good Leach field preventive maintenance policy to ensure a smooth operation system. As with any condition, you could completely control the situation if you prevent malfunctions to happen. An example of this is when you are in charge of a small town or village. When you provide frequent seminars on sex education including reproductive health, then you can expect the population not to have unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases. Another is when you provide instructional materials and nutrient supplementation to the children at school, then you can be sure that they would not fail in their subjects and would even excel in their activities.
The same principle happens in your household. If you baby-proof, child-proof, pet-proof your home, there will be little to no accidents at all. If you serve nutritious food, then there will be no malnutrition. If you apply this same rule of preventive maintenance to your leach field, then there will be little to no septic failures at all. It can be really taxing to practice preventive maintenance. It could even be costly to most people but in the long run, the benefits will save you from much bigger expenses.
You may already know by now that the leach field is the last phase of wastewater treatment. It is where the pre-treated, clear effluent is purified and rid of the contaminants and pathogens before it is returned to the surrounding soil and water systems. Leach field preventive maintenance is done by a septic expert accordingly:
- Yearly septic inspections
The following steps are done:
- Any indications of the leach field’s inability to take in water such as soggy soil, pooling of sewage water, and septic odors, are noted.
- Any form of invasive plants and trees are inspected. Their roots will penetrate the leach field and cause clogs and damage to its components.
- The leach field will also be assessed for any compaction that may have already caused damage to the components such as the lateral lines.
- The tank will also be inspected. Its contents will be inspected for any signs of chemical usage and any form of non-biodegradable materials.
- The components of the septic system are also checked and repaired immediately.
- The sludge level is also measured. It should just be at normal levels.
- The water load is also checked.
- The d-box is inspected for any clogging or sludge accumulation and should be pumped out and cleaned at once.
2) Tips to do
Here are some tips that you should take note of:
- The preventive maintenance methods should have an established regular schedule.
- Never dump food scrapings, non-biodegradable materials, disinfectants, cat litter, grease, and trash into the drains, sinks, and toilets.
- Only use color-safe oxygen bleach for cleaning
- Any leaks in the indoor plumbing of your home should be immediately fixed.
3) Treatments
Leach field preventive maintenance can be supplemented by the following:
- Regular pump outs for your septic tank
- Use a porosity restorer to regain the optimal function of the tank, dry well, and leach field
- A septic maintainer will improve the tank’s function, break down grease, detergents, or paper, and control the septic odors
The leach field and the rest of the septic system should experience an efficient preventive maintenance practice. You just have to devote a portion of your budget to make this possible. Septic tank pump outs could just cost you 75-300 USD, depending on the location and the services that go with the pump out. The frequency will depend on the number of household members. Pumping out is the biggest way by which preventive maintenance could be performed because if the tank is well-taken care of, the leach field will benefit from it.
It is very important for you to understand the importance of preventive maintenance because your home is your investment. An optimal leach field is what you need to have a safe and healthy living environment for decades to come. Remember that a good Leach field preventive maintenance policy is essential as a home owner.