This article will discuss the pros and cons of using a raised mound maintenance product on your septic system. Your neck hurts already from scanning he high shelves at the septic store. Male pride is preventing you from approaching female clerks to assist you. It was a new septic store and it only had female clerks every weekend, which is the only time you have for yourself. It was supposed to be your septic expert doing all the septic product shopping but you offered to do it to be updated on the prices and the products released.
This time, you want to purchase the best raised mound maintenance products that are out in the market. It wasn’t an issue before when you were asked about your raised mound because you used to live with your dad. Since you wanted to spread your wings, you got your own home and of course, you had to be responsible about it. You consulted your septic expert about raised mound maintenance products and he told you to look at the products for yourself. He told you to be critical in choosing the right ones because there are many manufacturers who take advantage of consumers that only want unbelievably easy and fast results.
There are no standard laboratories that are devoted to finding out which raised mound maintenance products are the best. Only independent scientists and company researchers hold experiments and tests that prove certain products to either be effective or not. Many homeowners verbalize their wish of not pumping out their system to save money. Manufacturers take advantage of this wish and make exaggerated promises like no pump outs will be needed if their product is used. The attracted homeowner would, of course, buy the product and completely depend on it, not bothering to pump out their systems anymore. As a result, their raised mounds fail and they pay 30,000 USD for a new one.
There are chemical and biological raised mound maintenance additives. Chemical additives use harsh bases and acids that kill bacteria and damage the structural components of the raised mound. Here are the detrimental effects of chemical raised mound maintenance additives:
- They produce more methane bubbles that lift the solid wastes over to the soil absorption system.
- The sulfuric acid component eliminates the bacteria and melts away structural parts of the system.
- Naphthalene, benzene, and alkene components pollute the surrounding environment.
- The zinc sulfate, formaldehyde, quartenary ammonium, and paraformaldehyde are actually biocidals when used in excessive amounts.
- The topmost scum layer in the raised mound tank is broken off. The grease are carried to the soil absorption system. Heavy clogging happens. Eventual system failure will occur if this is not treated immediately.
Authorities in septic systems say that the best and most reliable raised mound maintenance additives are the biological ones. They contain enzymes and non-pathogenic bacteria that really improve the decomposition of the solid wastes, get rid of foul smells, and care for the surrounding environment because they don’t have chemical discharges.
Even if there are safe, biological raised mound additives to choose from, there are still those who don’t believe in using raised mound maintenance products. They believe that human wastes are enough to keep the system going for decades. The only staple thing to do is to pump out the raised mound tank. Pumping out depends on the actual number of household members that you have. If there are only two people in your home, pump out the system every three years. For households that are composed of up to 5 people, pump out the raised mound every two years. For huge households of 6 or more, have a yearly system pump out. You should talk to your septic expert about the living arrangements in your home to have a stable pump out schedule.
It’s really your prerogative if you want to use raised mound maintenance products. It’s your septic anyway. Just make sure that you use the system properly by not treating it as a big trash bin and just throw in anything that you like. We hope this article discussion helped you the reader to better understand the pros and cons of using a raised mound maintenance product on your septic system.