This article will cover what
role a septic tank baffle plays in raised mound systems. There are times when
being different or unconventional is needed to get things moving. A boring
occupation needs a career change. A pair of baggy, outdated pants needs a
makeover. A property with soil that filters too quickly or too slowly needs a
raised mound system. A raised mound system is an unconventional method of
treating wastewater. It can be installed for a home or a business establishment
if the septic expert decides that the soil needs some help in filtration. That
is why it is elevated above the ground. It needs to make room for filters that
help get the job done. Just like the regular septic system, the raised mound
has a tank. It also has a soil absorption system. The raised mound’s tank has
septic baffles that serve a special purpose in wastewater treatment.
The raised mound
system has inlet and outlet baffles that make wastewater treatment a lot more
efficient. Aside from the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, baffles also help
filter out or filter in the solid wastes. The inlet pipe has the inlet baffle
that directs the wastewater downwards to make sure that the wastewater does not
flow back up to the home or building again. Then, the anaerobic bacteria take
action. The inlet baffle makes sure that the wastewater does not surge back
into the home or building during heavy rains. It also keeps the solid waste
particles from building up in the layer of scum. With the help of the inlet
baffle, the wastewater is kept from overflowing beyond the outlet baffle. The
raised mound tank collects the wastewater and lets the clear layer flow out
into the outflow pipe, which is lower than the inlet pipe. The outflow baffle
makes sure that solid waste particles stay in the tank. This is a critical function
because the soil absorption area should not be blocked at all. If this happens,
the entire raised mound system will fail. Baffles are filters that are pretty
much like screen meshes or bristles. They catch the solid wastes and keep them
contained as the wastewater treatment goes on. The baffles also accommodate
bacteria so that the solid waste particles left on them will be degraded and
cleared. The bacteria here also help in treating the effluent that enters and
exits the tank.
When the raised
mound tank experiences a high volume of liquid, the baffles still do their best
to treat the wastewater. During this event, the wastewater layer that has the
scum overflows beyond the baffle. This allows some of the solid waste particles
to escape into the soil absorption area. Since the baffles are installed, the
wastewater still passes through them, treating the wastewater with the bacteria
present in their mesh or bristles. This is of great help to the anaerobic and
aerobic bacteria that do most of the work.
As a raised mound
owner, you should make sure that you spot any sign that might indicate a
malfunction in your baffles. Ask your septic expert to perform an inspection of
your raised mound. Your baffles may already need replacing if you have leaks in
your raised mound area. The leaks could easily backup into your home or
building and flood your yard. Check for foul septic odors as well. This is a
sign that wastewater is already backing up or your raised mound system is
already failing. The baffles might have already been lost, that is why the soil
absorption field is malfunctioning. The raised mound should be pumped out first
to really see what’s going on. Once the baffles are assessed and replaced,
everything will be better.
You should
definitely know what the role a septic
baffle plays in raised mound systems. It is part of being a responsible
raised mound owner. Work with your septic expert so that you won’t have to
worry all the time. Caring for your raised mound takes extra effort but you
will reap great results every time.